Handbook of Graphs and Networks : From the Genome to the Internet артикул 1656e.
Handbook of Graphs and Networks : From the Genome to the Internet артикул 1656e.

Book DescriptionComplex interacting networks are observed in systems from such diverse areas as physics, biology, economics, ecology, and computer science For example, economic or social interactions often organize themselves in complex network structures Similar phenomena are observed in traffic flow and in communication networks as озцкв the internet In current problems of the Biosciences, prominent examples are protein networks in the living cell, as well as molecular networks in the genome On larger scales one finds networks of cells as in neural networks, up to the scale of organisms in ecological food webs This book defines the field of complex interacting networks in its infancy and presents the dynamics of networks and their structure as akey concept across disciplines The contributions present common underlying principles of network dynamics and their theoretical description and are of interest to specialists as well as to the non-specialized reader looking for an introduction to this new exciting field Theoretical concepts include modeling networks as dynamical systems with numerical methods and new graph theoretical methods, but also focus on networks that change their topology as in morphogenesis and self-organization The authors offer concepts to model network structures and dynamics, focussing on approaches applicable across disciplines.  Ilyitch2003 г 417 стр ISBN 3527403361.